Category: UrbanHalo Products
A Simple Sweet Salutation to All Our Super Moms
If anyone deserves a special day, we know that mothers do. It’s a full time job from dawn to dusk and dusk to dawn. It’s difficult, demanding and rarely dull. But you do it and you do it well! And while there is no way to be a perfect mom, there are a million ways […]
Product Spotlight: Patriotic Apparel for Summer Olympics
The 2016 Rio Summer Olympics are just a few weeks away, and we are gearing up for the games, ready to show our support for the athletes who proudly represent the USA! Whether you’re a hardcore competitor, a dedicated spectator or somewhere in between, we have line of fitness headbands that will go perfectly with your patriotic attire this […]
UH Product Spotlight: Neon Halos
Recently we honored Father’s Day by featuring all the men in our lives and the line of Iron Halos we made specifically for them. This month, we’re channeling all the energy we can from the summer sun and sharing some of our favorite seasonally bright halos: the Neon Collection. Neon’s Not Just for the 80s […]
UH Product Spotlight: Iron Halos
It’s possible that you’ve seen the individual designs we showcase on our Facebook page each week, but it’s not often that we talk about an entire product line. In our newest blog series, we’ll be posting more information and pictures that highlight one of our product lines and what makes that line so great. This […]
Everyone needs a halo…
Ever wonder where the name urbanhalo came from? Well, let me start by saying that choosing a name was probably the toughest decision that I have made for this little business so far… partially because that kind of creative task is just not one of my strengths (hence the naming contest on facebook for each […]
Get the funk out…
I am SO SO crazy excited to announce our InstaParty winner! But before I do… I need to announce the final addition to our grand prize!! You know how you meet someone and you feel like you have known them forever?? I had the pleasure of that experience with a lovely “new” friend recently. Not only do […]