Today was tough. Today was filled with smiles. Today pulled on my momma heart strings. Today was the day Jen and I delivered the January UrbanHero subscription project. {If you are wondering who the “I” is in Jen and I, click here. :)}


We had the privilege of attending a special story time at a local Twin Cities children’s hospital. Story time happens regularly there, but twice a month it is extra special because the beautiful Nicole from Princess Party Pals leads it. Today, the Snow Princess came and told her story. She sang. She told about her life with her sister the Snow Queen. She gave hugs. She took pictures with the children and talked with each of them. You guys, Nicole is amazing. This wasn’t just story time with a dressed up princess reading a book. Nicole was the Snow Princess and her performance rivaled that of a broadway actress. Truly. She is amazingly talented and children love her.

Many years ago, my oldest daughter attended a birthday party that Nicole was a princess at. She captivated the attention of everyone in attendance, young and old. I’ve stayed connected with her ever since. The most endearing thing about Princess Nicole is the way she uses her beauty, talent and grace to shine a little light into the lives of children who are most deserving of such. She spends much of her time volunteering her gift throughout the community, spreading cheer, bringing hope and touching lives. She is a true princess. So, we jumped at the chance to partner with Nicole this month during one of her story times at a local children’s hospital.

The UrbanHero subscription program purchased plush snowman dolls, which the Snow Princess herself handed out along with headbands to each child in attendance. Afterward, she traveled around the hospital, room by room, giving out the plush dolls to all the residents who weren’t able to leave their rooms to attend the story time.


Jen and I were able to be there for story time and it was such an amazing and heart breaking experience for me all at the same time. There were several residents in attendance who were the same ages as my two daughters. I kept looking at these precious little girls, their siblings and parents, thinking about their reality. They should be in school, like my little girls. They should be groaning about cleaning their rooms, like my little girls. They should be excitedly anticipating their trip to Disney World, like my little girls. But, they aren’t. They are fighting for their lives…with a smile on their face and a grace about them that I can’t get out of mind.

Jen and I and the rest of the team here at UrbanHalo, can’t thank our UrbanHeroes enough for participating in this program. I wish you could have seen their smiles, excitement in their voices and joy on their sweet little faces. Many hugged their little snowmen tight as they sat captivated by the Snow Princess telling her story. Today, nearly a hundred little lives shined a tiny bit brighter because of you, our UrbanHeroes.

