January_Urban-Hero_front-300x206In the months of January and February, we are teaming up with First Book to get books in the hands of children in need. This is such a neat organization, committed to overcoming illiteracy. As you can imagine, learning to read is critical to success in both school and life. Children and adults who are illiterate or have low literacy skills have poor educational, employment and health outlooks. Many of them will not graduate from high school, will earn barely enough to stay above poverty levels, and will be more likely to engage in criminal and anti-social behaviors. If children don’t have access to books it severely limits their ability to become engaged and thriving readers. The reality for children growing up in poverty is that books are scarce. First Book provides a resource essential to overcoming illiteracy, one that is missing for children from low-income families: access to an ongoing and diverse supply of high-quality books.

First Book is making a difference and their impact is appreciated. Read the following entry on First Book’s blog to learn how much a little boy in Ohio loves the books First Book helps provide. Click here.
