May No Soldier Go Unloved. Giving aid and comfort to the men and women of the armed forces; those who are deployed, their families, wounded service members and veterans and their caregivers. It’s a job. A commitment. A mission. A promise. And a way of life. But it’s hard. It’s physical. It’s mental. It’s dangerous. And it’s distant.

Soldiers’ Angels is an organization that was founded by a dedicated mother of a deployed soldier, who knew something more needed to be done [and could be done] for the individuals who were bravely serving our country. From a simple care package to an international community of thousands, this organization makes it their mission to reveal support, love, encouragement and recognition for every soldier…until they all come home. It’s comprised of volunteers who work tirelessly to be a resource for our military personnel, filling in gaps that are unable to be fulfilled by the military itself and other organizations. And it’s the largest volunteer-centered organization that is truly devoted to supporting our troops, veterans and their families.

There are many remarkable programs that Soldiers’ Angels delivers. And each one is broken into categories based on the population they serve. This month, the UrbanHero Project is focusing on the Family Support pillar, specifically the Women of Valor team. A team that provides self-care and educational support to female caregivers of post 9-11 wounded, ill and injured service members. The female caregiver is carefully vetted for eligibility once they’ve met the criteria, they adopted by a Team Angel who provides year-round support with an emphasis on major holidays, their birthday and anniversary and regular words of encouragement. Because these women are often fiercely consumed with the task of taking care of their wounded love one that they forget to take time for themselves. So the Women of Valor team works to ensure the caregiver is pampered, loved and receives the necessary materials to help them navigate the journey of recovery. It’s a tough job but we’re so glad that someone is willing to do it! These angels may not have wings. But their virtue gives flight to the fearless.
The call of duty is a brave one. And the performance isn’t always pretty. But we applaud each and every man and woman who fight to give us rights. Because it’s a significant kind of servitude that deserves a special safeguard of support. Speaking of special, this month’s extraordinary edition of the UrbanHero halo is something of a spontaneous and splendid splash. It’s not a careful application or a specific kind of formation. But consider it a purposeful piece with a fancy-free creation. And a charismatic command of color constructed for the caring.
To learn more about our UrbanHero program, click here. Ready to jump right in and become an UrbanHero? Click here.